The contemporary union of "sword and soutane" [178] has nothing in common with the Christian state founded by the Equal of the Apostles Emperor Constantine in which the people were ruled by two powers -- royal and ecclesiastical -- constituting one political entity. This symphony of God's anointed Basileus and sacerdotium had the truth of Christian faith for its foundation [179]. The ideals which form the basis of contemporary compromise between ecclesiastical time-servers and the avowedly atheist government are by no means Christian. With his "Declaration" of loyalty to the Soviet regime of 16/29 of July, 1927, Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky) betrayed Orthodoxy, and caused the martyrdom of many thousands of confessors in Russia who refused to accept this disgraceful document: up to 90% of Orthodox parishes rejected it with indignation. Enforced in Soviet Russia, and voluntarily accepted today, in the course of almost 70 years Metropolitan Sergius' "Declaration" has been the "canonical" basis of the Moscow Patriarchate. Archpriest Michael Polsky wrote: "It should never be forgotten that the legitimate succession of ecclesiastical authority is terminated not only by its uncanonical emergence, but also as a result of
uncanonical acts. Clear conscience and the voice of truth within the hierarchy and clergy immediately following Metropolitan Sergius' "Declaration" testified to the fact that the basic ecclesiastical canon of general episcopal authority in the Church (Apost. rule 34) has been violated" [180]. Hundreds of pages have been written about Metropolitan Sergius' destructive role in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church. "Sergianism" contributed to the Moscow Patriarchate becoming the Soviet church, a faithful collaborator of the anti-Orthodox regime. Having embarked on the path of endless compromise, the Moscow Patriarchate became enmeshed not only in Ecumenism but also in all kinds of apostatic betrayal of Orthodox faith. This makes one speculate that soon this apostatic structure may fully resemble the apocalyptic "mother of harlots". One may not rule out the possibility of Metropolitan Sergius being glorified as a "saint" by the Moscow Patriarchate" [181]. Today the Moscow Patriarchate officially speaks of its gratitude to Metropolitan Sergius for allegedly having "saved" the Church. Such pronouncements imply refusal to believe in love and provident care for the Church by Its Head -- our Lord Jesus Christ. Sergianist "symphony" entailed a special apostatic "theology", which justified any baseness or degradation, any arbitrary sin of the pseudoecclesiastical authority for the sake of an imaginary "Church benefit". This Jesuit-like "theology" has been the reason why a great number of people belonging to the jurisdiction of Moscow Patriarchate have lost the awareness of "Christianity as a moral religion" [182]. However, having originated in the Soviet Union, "Sergianism" has now become a global phenomenon. Today, more than ever before, it is a
modern trend. Looking at the policy of the apostatic "clergy" we may contend that "Sergianism" is not merely an historic and Soviet, but also a universal phenomenon. Church politicians, who are voluntarily carrying the "yoke" of servile "Sergianism" are flourishing throughout the world. Being unable to fully cover this phenomenon we shall cite only two out of the great many examples of sergianist groveling. One of them concerns the schismatic Metropolitan Yevlogy (Georgievsky). In 1945, being a resident of Paris, "he went further than many: he took a step which simply stunned a significant part of his flock -- he went to the Soviet Embassy to apply for the citizenship of the USSR... [183] Another example of "Sergianism" concerns Patriarch Demetrius of Constantinople who in 1978, without any embarrassment, expressed his support of Brezhnev's "liberalism" at the time when many dissidents and believers were languishing in Soviet prisons, concentration camps and psychiatric hospitals. When welcoming the visiting Patriarch Pimen of Moscow and All Russia, Patriarch Demetrius said: "We were particularly pleased to hear from you that the new Constitution of your great country grants still greater freedom of conscience and of religion..." About ten years later the same Patriarch Demetrius, while on a visit to the USSR, spoke in the same vein, without any recollection of what he had said in 1978" [184]. "Sergianism" is not only a baseness and a deceit, it is a conscious refusal to take up the cross of the Lord, a rejection of the confession of faith and martyrdom upon which the Church of Christ was built. "Sergianism" is also the state of mind and soul of those who are prepared to make any concessions and to betray the sacred faith for the sake of temporal benefits and interests of this world. In a certain sense ecumenism is merely a component of "Sergianism" as a general principle and instrument of apostasy. Universal "Sergianism" in its essence is the subordination to the power of Antichrist, be it in Russia, Greece, the Vatican, USA, or any other country. And the objective, consciously or subconsciously pursued by "Sergianism", is to demoralize Christians, to make them ready to accept Antichrist. 
Only recently the anniversary of October Revolution was celebrated in the great hall of Odessa Theological Seminary, and not only there. 
"Perestroika" is on -- but the Moscow Patriarchate
still follows the "straight path". 
Metropolitan Nikolai Yarushevich addresses the gathering under the portrait of "the father of all nations," with Patriarch Alexy Simansky presiding. 1953. 
Elections to the Supreme Soviet. Patriarch Pimen (Izvekov) of Moscow votes for the "block of Communists and independent candidates". 
Patriarch Pimen (Izvekov) of Moscow and his future successor Alexy (Ridiger) take part in the "guard of honor" by Andropov's coffin. |
[178] We borrowed this expression from Archdeacon Germain Ivanoff-Trinadtzaty, Ph.D. See his essay "Russian Church at the Cross-roads" (in Russian). Lyon-Acorly, 1995, p. 50. [179] This is partly the symbolism of the double-headed Byzantine eagle which, following the marriage of Ivan III to Sophia Paleologue (1472) has also become the State Emblem of Russia, of "Moscow -- the Third Rome". Concerning the "true essence of secular power on earth" (the words of Metr. Vitaly /Oustinov/) see a laconic and very interesting article by Mikhail Askul "Sacred Monarchy and Secular State" (our translation from the French -- L.P.) produced as a separate brochure. Published by the Brotherhood of St. Job of Pochaev of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, New York/Montreal, 1994, 15pp. [180] Archpriest Mikhail Pol'sky, "New Martyrs of Russia". Printing Press of St. Job of Pochaev, Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, N.Y., USA, 1957, v. 2, p. IX. [181] The Pseudo-Patriarch Alexius II, for example, in his discourse with the contributors of Literaturnaia Gazeta, when quoting the notorious words of Metropolitan Sergius: "the joys and successes of the Soviet Union, our civil Motherland are our joys and successes", -- said that the concept "Motherland" used in Declaration "was a brave step on the part of Metr. Sergius. See: Alexius II. "The Church Has Thrice Called For Peace in Chechnya...", Literaturnaia Gazeta, Moscow, 15.6.1995, No. 24 (5555), p. 11, col.3 [182] Archpriest Vladislav Sveshnikov, "Psikhologiia neosergianstva" (Psychology of Neosergianism), Russkyi Pastyr, San-Francisco, No. 21, 1995. [183] Germain Ivanoff-Trinadtzaty, op. cit., p.27. [184] Ibid. p. 17-18. |